Monday, January 15, 2007

A late "Happy New Year" to everybody

Hi all,

I know, I promised to take less time to put any news on my Blogger. I'm sorry about that! But you all know that time goes by so fast... :-)
I hope you all had a very nice Christmas (unfortunately without any snow) and a good start into 2007!

As most of you know over Christmas and New Year's Eve my sister Alexandra has been visiting me. I was so excited when I drove down to Boston to the airport to pick her up. It was an awesome feeling to hug her and to know to have somebody from my family with me.

A few days after Alexandra's arrival we already packed our clothes to go on our trip to "The Big Apple" :-) We spent four days in New York City, December 23rd to 26th. Those days went by sooo fast! We had a great time. New York is an amazing city. There are so many words to describe this city: crazy, beautiful, busy, multicultural, colorful, interesting, huge, etc. I'd say anybody who has not yet seen New York should plan a trip to this great place. It's incredible...! Even just to watch the people at Times Square or on Broadway is a lot of fun! We saw so many things and took lots of pictures. On Christmas Eve we went to a Swiss restaurant to have a delicious Swiss dinner. Wow, their Raclette was delicious! And it was a lot of fun to talk to those Swiss who live in New York. Even if we did not feel a lot like Christmas, we still had a good time and enjoyed beeing at a different place.

Among other things we also went to see a Broadway Show - The Lion King - The Musical! WOW, that was fantastic. I've never seen a show like that! Great!

Oh, I almost forgot about something. The weather was just beautiful. It was around 18 to 20 degrees Celsius! Just incredible in middle of December! We certainly enjoyed it a lot :-)

After our great trip I had to go back to work for a few days... But I could look forward to another longer weekend. The weekend of New Year's Eve! Alexandra and I decided to go up north. We went to the Lakes Region, we thought, this region must be nice and a little quieter than New York ;-) You know what I mean...

And there it was, the snow! Yeah, we definitely saw some snow. It looked very nice. We stayed at Lake Winnipesaukee (I don't know if somebody knows where that is ;-)) for 2 days. Our studio was so nice, we really felt comfortable. We did not do a lot, relaxing, that was it :-)
And on New Year's Eve we even felt asleep before midnight ;-)

Alexandra's last weekend in the States was getting closer. The last day before she went back to Switzerland we went to Boston. Again it was a very nice day. It felt like spring. People were wearing shorts and short-sleeved shirts, the cafes in Little Italy opened their windows and doors everyone was enjoying the sun! Boston is so nice. That day I felt in love with this city! You can feel the charm! It's great! There is something I know for sure: I'll go back to Boston :-)

The next day Alexandra and I had to say Goodbye! It was a pretty sad moment. I had a really good time with her. It meant a lot to me to have a member of my family with me!
"Merci viu mau Lexi" :-)

That's pretty much all I can tell you about the past month.

Last few days the weather has changed a lot! It's getting colder and I think it is going to snow pretty soon. Today all cars were covered by a very thick film of ice! We had a "freezing rainstorm"! It was getting dangerous on the road.. Anyway, I still hope that spring will be here soon :-)

Oh, there is something else I almost forgot about! I already have the next guetst I can look forward to! My brother and his friend are going to visit me in the end of March / beginning of April! That means my brother and I are going to celebrate our birthday together! This is very exciting! It will be my 21st birthday, yeeaahhh :-)

Okay, now you can enjoy some pictures from New York and Boston!

Have fun!



Times Square

A yellow cab :-)

Central Park

Some various impressions from the city

The skyline of Manhattan

The Statue of Liberty


Boston Harbor

Little Italy

This bridge is drafted by a Swiss :-)

View from a bridge

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Hi from Manchester

Hi all,

Again you had to wait a pretty long time to hear from me. In the last month, I moved into my own apartment, got my Vanity Plates for my car and got my New Hampshire Driver's License!

Laura (my roommate) and I now live in our new apartment since 3 weeks. Our move was great, we had so many people helping us. That was awesome. But anyway we were exhausted after 2 days ;-)
I like our new place and I feel very comfortable. Pretty soon we will start decorating everything and then it will look very nice! You can see on the pictures below how it looks like right now.

Yeah, I also got my Vanity Plates for my car and I passed the Driver's Test to get the New Hampshire Driver's License. Now I think I'm really official ;-)

The weather here in Manchster is still okay. It's still around 17 degrees during the day, which I like a lot :-) But I think the winter is not far away anymore :-( It will be very cold very soon and the first snow storm is close as well.
Next week we'll have Thanksgiving! That means we'll have Thursday and Friday off work, yeah!
Also Christmas is close and that means my sister Alexandra will be here soon. I'm very excited about that. I look forward to see her and I also look forward to our trip to New York City over Christmas. We'll have a great time, I'm sure!

All right, I'm sure I'll have some news for you guys in a little while!

Take care & enjoy the pictures!


Washington Park
2 Country Club Drive
Apartment # 10
Manchester, NH, 03102

Our apartment

The kitchen

A New England Patriots bottle opener :-)

The living room

The bathroom

And my bedroom

And this is my new Vanity Plate on my car! Isn't that funny? ;-)

The Football-Fans :-)

Laura and me