Monday, October 09, 2006

News from Manchester

Hi Everybody

After a long time without any news and pictures from me, you can enjoy some different stuff. I had a good time last couple of weeks. Many different things were going on. Among other things I went to Canada (Ottawa) to get my visa. It was a long trip, it took us about 7 hours to get there (one way), but it was worth it. I am now a very happy person allowed to stay at least one year here in the USA. It was a very good experience to go to the US embassy. The security is incredible! And there were probably 50 people from different countries in this small room waiting for their visas. Ottawa is a very nice city, Crystal and I had a good time, unfortunately it was raining all day long. But anyway I took some pictures....
I also spent one day in Boston. This is a very nice city, I really like it. You can enjoy a few pictures from some nice streetdancers (those guys are so much fun) and some older buildings in Boston.

Once again we had one of our Funky Fridays at work. This time it was football :-)))) That was fun! We had a wicked good time playing football! You can enjoy some pictures as well....

And last but not least: I have my own car! YEEAAAHHHHHH, last week I bought my first car! I'm so excited about that. Now it's getting really dangerous on the streets around Manchester *LOL* I enjoy to drive around by myself and to be independent. That's how it needs to be ;-) You can find some pictures below.
In a few weeks I should get my "Vanity Plates"... And guess how they will look like :-)

I hope you enjoy the pics!

Hear you soon (sooner than this time)!

View from the car to Montreal
The US embassy


Massachusetts' Police

Subway station



Funky Friday @ SUSA :-)

MY CAR :-)

Bye bye for now...


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