Monday, January 15, 2007

A late "Happy New Year" to everybody

Hi all,

I know, I promised to take less time to put any news on my Blogger. I'm sorry about that! But you all know that time goes by so fast... :-)
I hope you all had a very nice Christmas (unfortunately without any snow) and a good start into 2007!

As most of you know over Christmas and New Year's Eve my sister Alexandra has been visiting me. I was so excited when I drove down to Boston to the airport to pick her up. It was an awesome feeling to hug her and to know to have somebody from my family with me.

A few days after Alexandra's arrival we already packed our clothes to go on our trip to "The Big Apple" :-) We spent four days in New York City, December 23rd to 26th. Those days went by sooo fast! We had a great time. New York is an amazing city. There are so many words to describe this city: crazy, beautiful, busy, multicultural, colorful, interesting, huge, etc. I'd say anybody who has not yet seen New York should plan a trip to this great place. It's incredible...! Even just to watch the people at Times Square or on Broadway is a lot of fun! We saw so many things and took lots of pictures. On Christmas Eve we went to a Swiss restaurant to have a delicious Swiss dinner. Wow, their Raclette was delicious! And it was a lot of fun to talk to those Swiss who live in New York. Even if we did not feel a lot like Christmas, we still had a good time and enjoyed beeing at a different place.

Among other things we also went to see a Broadway Show - The Lion King - The Musical! WOW, that was fantastic. I've never seen a show like that! Great!

Oh, I almost forgot about something. The weather was just beautiful. It was around 18 to 20 degrees Celsius! Just incredible in middle of December! We certainly enjoyed it a lot :-)

After our great trip I had to go back to work for a few days... But I could look forward to another longer weekend. The weekend of New Year's Eve! Alexandra and I decided to go up north. We went to the Lakes Region, we thought, this region must be nice and a little quieter than New York ;-) You know what I mean...

And there it was, the snow! Yeah, we definitely saw some snow. It looked very nice. We stayed at Lake Winnipesaukee (I don't know if somebody knows where that is ;-)) for 2 days. Our studio was so nice, we really felt comfortable. We did not do a lot, relaxing, that was it :-)
And on New Year's Eve we even felt asleep before midnight ;-)

Alexandra's last weekend in the States was getting closer. The last day before she went back to Switzerland we went to Boston. Again it was a very nice day. It felt like spring. People were wearing shorts and short-sleeved shirts, the cafes in Little Italy opened their windows and doors everyone was enjoying the sun! Boston is so nice. That day I felt in love with this city! You can feel the charm! It's great! There is something I know for sure: I'll go back to Boston :-)

The next day Alexandra and I had to say Goodbye! It was a pretty sad moment. I had a really good time with her. It meant a lot to me to have a member of my family with me!
"Merci viu mau Lexi" :-)

That's pretty much all I can tell you about the past month.

Last few days the weather has changed a lot! It's getting colder and I think it is going to snow pretty soon. Today all cars were covered by a very thick film of ice! We had a "freezing rainstorm"! It was getting dangerous on the road.. Anyway, I still hope that spring will be here soon :-)

Oh, there is something else I almost forgot about! I already have the next guetst I can look forward to! My brother and his friend are going to visit me in the end of March / beginning of April! That means my brother and I are going to celebrate our birthday together! This is very exciting! It will be my 21st birthday, yeeaahhh :-)

Okay, now you can enjoy some pictures from New York and Boston!

Have fun!



Times Square

A yellow cab :-)

Central Park

Some various impressions from the city

The skyline of Manhattan

The Statue of Liberty


Boston Harbor

Little Italy

This bridge is drafted by a Swiss :-)

View from a bridge