Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My first week in the US

Well, now I am in the States since one week. My first week was awesome. I spent a great time.
All the guys from SUSA are very, very nice and friendly. Let me tell you something about the last days...

The first days I felt tired, you know jetlag.... But after 2 days it was fantastic. We went watching a baseball game over here in Manchester. New Hampshire Fisher Cats vs. Portland Sea Dogs. That is real America. We had a lot of fun. Unfortunately the Fisher Cats lost the game. Two days later on I went shopping. I spent a lot of money, the stores are huge! I like it :-)
So then Friday at noon we left to Maine to our camping and rafting trip. That was fun as well. The white water rafting was a big adventure. We spent such a good time together! Unfortunately the weather wasn't that good... But it was good anyway. For sure it was worth to drive 4 1/2 hours one way. I guess these are the most interesting things...

Below you can find some pictures (unfortunately those from the rafting are too big to put them on the blogger)....

This is my new home

The kitchen

The dining room

The New Hampshire Fisher Cats vs. Portland Sea Dogs....

Real America...

Camping in Maine...

...and don't forget... I am working as well....
this is my office



Playing Ping Pong @ noon

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I'll leave Switzerland..

As most of you already know, I'll leave Switzerland and start a new period of life in the USA.

This is my first post on my website.
Next one will follow when I'm in the States :-)

First day at Schleuniger Inc., Manchester NH is Monday, July 17th.

Hear you later...